Bi-weekly links for July 15

A visualization of normal versus fat-tailed distributions

Archimedes: Separating Myth from Science at the New York Times.

Daniel Walsh plays detective with rolling shutter photos: given a picture of a moving propeller, can you tell how fast it was moving?

Dave Richeson uses a kayak to measure the perimeter of a lake.

From Brain Facts, some visualizations of nonlinear systems.

A profile of Aaron Clauset’s research on power laws and terrorism.

Academic doesn’t have a PhD problem. It has an attitude problem.

Gil Kalai givces a solution to auction-based tic tac toe.

the Guardian has a video in which Paul Klemperer talks about geometry and the banking crisis. Surprisingly it’s tropical geometry to the rescue in resource allocation problems, as seen in this paper by Klemperer and Elizabeth Baldwin.

Brian Whitman tells us how music recommendation works and doesn’t work.

From yhat, handwritten digit recognition with node and python.

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