Press will buzz off, or, doubled letters at the ends of words

John D Cook wrote, following the latest episode of Kevin Stroud’s History of English podcast, that if a consonant at the end of a word is doubled, it’s probably S, L, F, or Z. It appears that some elementary school teachers teach a “doubled final consonant rule” that is roughly the converse of this: “If a short vowel word or syllable ends with the /f/, /l/, /s/, or /z/ sound, it usually gets a double f, l, s, or z at the end.”

That sounds right to me. Some other consonants seem doubleable but relatively rarely – G, N, and R came to mind, although the only words I could think of that actually end in those doubled are “egg”, “inn”, and “err” respectively. Those are probably instances of the three-letter rule, whereby “content words” tend to have at least three letters. (Walmart has a store-brand of electronics onn. (sic), as well.)

Cook writes: “These stats simply count words; I suspect the results would be different if the words were weighted by frequency.” Challenge accepted. Peter Norvig has some useful data, including “The 1/3 million most frequent words, all lowercase, with counts.”

counts = read_delim('', delim = '\t', col_names = c('word', 'count'))

counts %>% mutate(ult = str_sub(word, -1),
                  penult = str_sub(word, -2, -2)) %>%
  filter(!(ult %in% c('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'))) %>%
  mutate(double = (ult == penult)) %>%
  group_by(ult) %>% 
  summarize(double = sum(double*count), all = sum(count)) %>%
  mutate(pct_double = double/all * 100)

Result is as follows; the counts in columns “double” and “all” are numbers of words out of the “trillion-word” data set. So over one out of every four words ending in L, in ends in double-L; only 0.02% of words ending in Y end in double-Y. Norvig’s word counts come from the 2006 trillion-word data set from Alex Franz and Thorsten Brants at the Google Machine Translation Team coming from public web pages.

# A tibble: 21 × 4
   ult       double         all pct_double
   <chr>      <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 l     6881678966 24910774907    27.6   
 2 z       49070005   684008846     7.17  
 3 s     3928825545 84468484631     4.65  
 4 f      734823669 16788706705     4.38  
 5 x       85268118  3108416171     2.74  
 6 c      128294648  6294874635     2.04  
 7 j        7948601   390085263     2.04  
 8 b       49690347  2690064550     1.85  
 9 p       98252923  6905211199     1.42  
10 d      460147985 47335849371     0.972 
11 m       95423709 11371100313     0.839 
12 w       52402066  6908722748     0.758 
13 q        2645593   456516943     0.580 
14 t      295347877 52262740152     0.565 
15 n      238685552 49492910349     0.482 
16 v        3478513  1084201734     0.321 
17 g       51208927 19948325553     0.257 
18 r       58629294 38947533393     0.151 
19 k        8943711  8602400357     0.104 
20 h       13449679 14180781466     0.0948
21 y        7451329 35763181677     0.0208

The count for “L” is so high because of words like “all” and “will”. It turns out in this corpus my intuition about G, N, and R being plausible is spectacularly wrong. We can also get the five most common words ending in each double letter:

counts %>% mutate(ult = str_sub(word, -1),
                  penult = str_sub(word, -2, -2)) %>%
  filter(!(ult %in% c('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'))) %>%
  mutate(double = (ult == penult))  %>% filter(double) %>% group_by(ult) %>% mutate(rk = rank(-count)) %>% filter(rk <= 5) %>% summarize(paste(word, collapse = ', '))  %>% print(n = 21)

giving the following table:

# A tibble: 21 × 2
   ult   top5                                   
   <chr> <chr>                                  
 1 b     bb, phpbb, webb, bbb, cobb             
 2 c     cc, acc, gcc, fcc, icc                 
 3 d     add, dd, odd, todd, hdd                
 4 f     off, staff, stuff, diff, jeff          
 5 g     egg, gg, digg, ogg, dogg               
 6 h     hh, ahh, ahhh, ohh, hhh                
 7 j     jj, hajj, jjj, bjj, jjjj               
 8 k     kk, dkk, skk, fkk, kkk                 
 9 l     all, will, well, full, small           
10 m     mm, comm, hmm, hmmm, dimm              
11 n     inn, ann, lynn, nn, penn               
12 p     pp, app, ppp, supp, spp                
13 q     qq, qqqq, qqq, sqq, haqq               
14 r     rr, err, carr, starr, corr             
15 s     business, address, access, class, press
16 t     scott, matt, butt, tt, hewlett         
17 v     vv, vvv, rvv, vvvv, cvv                
18 w     www, ww, aww, libwww, awww             
19 x     xxx, xx, xnxx, xxxx, vioxx             
20 y     yy, yyyy, nyy, yyy, abbyy              
21 z     jazz, buzz, zz, jizz, azz  

and S, L, F, and Z do emerge as the only letters where the resulting words aren’t just junk. The rules seems to loosen for names (Matt, Scott, Hewlett; Ann, Lynn, Penn; Cobb). The data set betrays its internet origins here, with phpbb and libwww being relatively common.

I’ve found the pattern at the end of the code block above,

group_by(ult) %>% mutate(rk = rank(-count)) %>% filter(rk <= 5) %>% summarize(paste(word, collapse = ', '))

useful in practice for giving a quick summary of a table where there are many possible values of a second variable for each value of a first variable, and we just want to show which are most common.

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